Therapy-Dog Masterclass

Multidisciplinary Masterclasses for Handler and Dog Teams

Masterclasses bring together Australia’s experts in Animal-Assisted Services (Canine) to provide practitioners with cutting edge knowledge and skills in varied disciplines including mental health, education and support programmes.

Participants work with their own Advanced Certified Dogs, or participate in joint activities with Advanced handler and dog teams, developing skills in professional canine assisted services (CAS).

Mode: In person, Lead The Way Training Centre, 5/91 Dorset Road, Ferntree Gully, Vic. (East of Melbourne, Australia)

Pre-requisites: Open to individuals working or studying in the relevant field with knowlege and/or training in AAS.  Participants may attend without dog/therapy animal. Dogs Certified with Lead The Way at the Advanced level may attend.

Duration: One day 9am – 5pm

Access: Register your expression of interest to

Masterclasses comprise one-day workshops designed to extend and enhance knowledge and practice of Canine-Assisted Services. Masterclasses are designed to workshop CAS concepts at a professional level, and it is expected that attendees have a solid foundation in both knowlege and practice of AAS. Please note: only Advanced Dogs with current LTWI Certification may attend Masterclasses. Handlers may also attend without their dog.

AAS in Mental Health - General Introduction

This masterclass focuses on the theories and practices of AAT and NB-AAT in mental health. It is suitable for clinicians working in the mental health sector, such as psychologists, counsellors, social workers, welfare workers, OTs etc. Participants learn to combine established and emerging theories of AAT with their current clients, and workshop interventions with other participants.

The masterclass overviews the roles dogs can play in addressing a variety of mental health issues. It reviews literature on the inclusion of dogs in the treatment of stress, anxiety and other mental health related issues. It offers practical examples of the presenters own inclusion of dogs in relational based interventions, empathy development, trust & safety building, sensory based intervention, boundaries, personal space and appropriate touch, social engagement, co-regulation, self-regulation, creative therapies and a range of frustration tolerance, patience development and even the use of the dogs in parenting skills.

AAS in Mental Health - Grief, loss and life after Covid. How to re-engage therapy dogs in client work

This masterclass explores the different types of grief, and client’s different grieving styles, including different models of grief. We explore how the therapy dogs respond to grief and grieving, and how they have experienced their own sense of grief during and after Covid 19. Topics include:

  • Types of losses and how we experience them
  • Models and styles of grieving, and the role of AAT
  • How animals experience grief, in particular our own therapy dogs
  • Attunement (or re-attunement) between therapy dogs and clients

During this masterclass, you are provided with opportunities to expand your knowledge of grief and grieving styles and ability to select appropriate interventions to match where the client is in their grieving journey. This includes both large and small group discussion and roleplays of cases and interventions.

Suitable for:

  • This workshop is suitable for mental health therapists who are graduates of Lead The Way’s courses. Please note only dogs with current Advanced Certification can attend Masterclasses. Participants may attend without a dog.
  • There will be Certified Therapy Dogs on site at the workshop, who will be engaged during activities and role plays
  • This workshop will be recorded for later sale (excluding participant role-plays)
  • Minimum and maximum participant numbers apply

Delivered in partnership with Kaye Griffin, Mind Matters Counselling

AAS in Mental Health - Trauma and Polyvagal Theory (PVT) in AAT

This masterclass explores the impact of trauma on the neurobiology of clients and how the application of AAT can assist in the therapeutic process. Topics include:

  • How AAT supports regulation and co-regulation in a phased trauma therapy approach
  • What is polyvagal theory and how does it apply to AAT trauma treatment
  • Working safely and ethically within the client’s, the therapy dog’s and the therapist’s social engagement system according to the PVT
  • The role of play in maintaining or re-establishing social engagement, safety and attunement
  • Develop a toolkit of appropriate interactions to use during AAT sessions according to where the client is in their autonomic nervous system (present and safe, or in survival)


During this masterclass, you will explore the regulation – co-regulation relationship with your own (or other’s) therapy dogs. Develop an appreciation of the PVT and an understanding of how client’s autonomic nervous system impacts their thinking and behaviour. Learn how to identify when a client is socially engaged, or responding from their survival instincts, and observe or direct the therapy dog’s responses. The Masterclass includes demonstrations, group discussions and role plays. Participants are encouraged to bring case examples.


Suitable for:

  • This workshop is suitable for mental health therapists who are graduates of Lead The Way’s courses. Please note only dogs with current Advanced Certification can attend Masterclasses
  • There will be Certified Therapy Dogs on site at the workshop, who will be engaged during activities and role plays
  • This workshop will be recorded for later sale (excluding participant role-plays)
  • Minimum and maximum participant numbers apply

Delivered in partnership with Kaye Griffin, Mind Matters Counselling

AAS in Mental Health - Trauma & interpersonal neurobiology

This masterclass focuses on the theories and practices of AAT and NB-AAT in trauma treatments. It is suitable for clinicians such as psychologists, counsellors, social workers, welfare workers, OTs etc. Participants explore the role of therapy dogs in interpersonal neurobiology, and develop an appreciation of novel animal-assisted trauma treatments such as EMDR. Opportunities to workshop interventions with other participants is provided.

The masterclass reviews the neurodevelopmental impacts of trauma on regulation, and the role of dogs in facilitating co-regulation. There is an overview of the neurodevelopment of the stress response and attachment relationships with the aim of highlighting the role animals, specifically dogs can play in facilitating co-regulation as a pathway to self-regulation and re-organisation of key neural networks affected by missed developmental opportunities and/or trauma and attachment disruption.

AAS in Education

This masterclass focuses on the theories and practices of AAE in school and educational settings. It is suitable for teachers, trainers, coaches and other educational staff working in a variety of formal and informal institutions. Participants learn about the various ways therapy dogs are being employed to enhance educational and welbeing outcomes, including behaviour and classroom management, stress and welfare. Participants learn about whole-of-population and individual approaches, and have opportunities to workshop interventions with other participants.

Animal-Assisted Support Programmes

This masterclass focuses on the theories and practices of AASP in visiting and support settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, schools or workplaces. Participants learn about engaging participants in canine assisted support, partnering with professionals, understanding the benefits and  limitations of support programmes, and will have opportunities to workshop interventions with other participants.

AAS in Allied Health and Rehabilitation

Coming soon

More Professional Development

Access and Pricing

Professional Masterclasses in CAS (may be used towards Level 5 Certification subject to eligibility)

Venue: Lead The Way Institute Training Centre, Unit 5/91 Dorset Road, Ferntree Gully, Victoria 3156, Australia

Dates & Times: Courses run 9am to 5pm.

Expressions of Interest: Email us at

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Cost: $450 AUD (Inc. GST)

(Group discounts for 3+ participants from the same organisation $400 ea)